If horses are a passion in your life, just imagine riding an Arabian thoroughbred! We have excellent equestrian facilities – with our expert instructors dedicated to giving you the best training, irrespective of whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned rider.
Starting with the basics of how to approach a horse, mount, dismount, balance, control and simple communications with your horse, we go all the way up to advanced classes for highly accomplished horsemen and women.
Traditional and charming, a ride in a horse-drawn carriage is a pleasurable experience, absorbing all the sights and sounds at a sedate pace and sure to delight young and old alike !
To introduce the young ones to the Equestrian world, we offer hand-led horse ride. Children must be at least three years of age and wear a helmet. The ride tours the Fun Zone.
As a member of the Equestrian Club, Residents and Visitors can have their horse hosted in our stables throughout the year for a nominal monthly charge. To find out more about how your horse can enjoy our world class stable facilities
We offer an Equestrian Membership where guests can stable their horses all year round in our superb facilities for an annual fee.
Our extensive equestrian team care for the horses, ensuring they are beautifully groomed, well nourished and exercised, to maintain them in excellent condition.
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